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Personal Synthesis

Are you ready to take charge of your life?

Personal Synthesis

Are you ready to take charge of your life?

Do you feel that…

  • You are riding a self-esteem roller-coaster?
  • Your emotions can get the better of you?
  • Anxiety is your constant companion?
  • Making decisions is hard work?
  • You’ve lost your sense of direction?
  • It’s difficult to motivate yourself?
  • Your relationships could be better?
  • You either get angry with other people or let them walk all over you?
  • You’re not in the driving seat of your life?

Do you feel that…

  • You are riding a self-esteem roller-coaster?
  • Your emotions can get the better of you?
  • Anxiety is your constant companion?
  • Making decisions is hard work?
  • You’ve lost your sense of direction?
  • It’s difficult to motivate yourself?
  • Your relationships could be better?
  • You either get angry with other people or let them walk all over you?
  • You’re not in the driving seat of your life?

If so, you’re not alone. We all feel sometimes overwhelmed with everything that is going on, not only outside but inside us as well. And who can blame us? In school we learn about kings and queens, atoms and the angles in triangles, but very little about skills that really matter in life.

There are, of course, countless self-help videos and books, but they usually focus on one thing, which is rarely enough because many areas of our life are interconnected.

Personal Synthesis offers everything in one place: From thinking skills to communication skills. From dealing with life to dealing with death. It’s a ‘one stop shop’ that brings together all the vital tools to help you be more in charge of your life. Here are a few examples what you can learn:

Personal Synthesis is based on 20 years of research and running numerous personal development programmes with young people, disadvantaged groups, secondary school pupils and university students, as well as the general public. It is also a part of Masters level training in Counselling and Coaching.

All of the materials are arranged into a map consisting of four main categories: Self category, Being category, Doing category, and Social category, which together cover a total of 64 areas of our life.

You can see that Personal Synthesis offers an all-encompassing guide that will help you understand all aspects of yourself, navigate possible challenges, and live a more skilful and fulfilling life.

For a one-off payment of £14.97 you will receive unlimited lifetime access to all the materials, along with all updates, recommended reading and films for each area, the exercise toolbox, as well as a bonus overarching area that is not included in the map. You will also be able to ask questions, leave comments and engage with other members of our community. To get instant access to all the above and take your life to a new level, please click on the button below.

We’re sure that you will find Personal Synthesis materials beneficial. However, if you think you would benefit further from an interactive work,  you will also be able to sign up for one to one sessions with highly qualified and experienced practitioners to discuss an issue of your choice. Or, you can come to our online group sessions that we run on a monthly basis and discuss various topics covered in Personal Synthesis – join our community of personal developers! Further information and fees for these options will be available on a follow up page after getting the full access to the Personal Synthesis portal.

What our community says

I’ve just paid for and downloaded the personal synthesis guide as it looks like a nice and simple to use reminder of the Positive Psychology interventions and thankfully well referenced! As a newly qualified social worker I sadly don’t have time to sift through my books and journals, but this will allow me to augment learning that can be used in my social work with children and families. With v little time to plan interventions, this is a great bite sized guide that has already helped me plan change interventions for use with ‘stuck’ parents nice and quickly! I also create visuals from the interventions that help people and children process the activity more easily.

Belinda Sosinowicz

It is very nice to read your site, thank you very much for your work, it's great!

Martin BeIlm

I have subscribed to the website & found it very useful, easy to navigate & the subjects are well written to understand for the regular person – thank you for this super on line resources.

Candice Hendel

I experienced Nash as a highly supportive and engaging lecturer. His Personal Development Module at UEL was structured around Personal Synthesis - a psychology manual - and changed the course of my life both personally and professionally.

Claire Jolly

One of the most educating, comprehensive books I’ve ever came across, I use what I’ve learnt in every session I do about emotional intelligence and leadership. Utterly grateful for the information presented.

Rana A Saleh

I can’t recommend this highly enough. Do check out the website as there’s lots to see there that’s freely available. There’s also much more for a very small one off fee. This is Nash Popovic (my dear friend and colleague) who has put together a lifetime’s work on personal development and it’s fab!

Debra Jinks


PWBC (Personal Well Being Centre)
United Kingdom


PWBC (Personal Well Being Centre)
United Kingdom

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