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Problem Group

Problem Group PDF A problem is a situation for which one does not have a ready response. Problems are not intrinsically negative; in fact we often seek or deliberately create them (e.g. puzzles). They cause stress only if we don’t believe that they can be solved, that...

Directive Group

Directive Group PDF This group revolves around directing our actions and consists of the following areas: Desires is the area that focuses on the what (we want). Desires are an essential driving force – it is hard to think what would get us out of bed if we...

33. Meaning

33. Meaning

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how.
Friedrich Nietzsche (19c German philosopher)

Perceiving one’s life and actions as meaningful is a universal need but, as we will discuss below, meaning cannot be generalised (what is meaningful for one person may not be for another). So this area will focus on what can give us the sense of meaning, the scope of meaning, and the closely related concept of commitment.

Two types of meaning

There are two types of meaning, which are often confused with each other, so let’s clarify the difference between them:

  • The meaning of life: this is the big one that relates to the question of whether life in general has a purpose, whether or not there is an overall plan. If there is, it is not up to us to make it but to find it. This type of meaning is usually associated with a divine creator, so many religious people believe that there is a meaning of life while many atheists believe that there is not.
  • Meaning in life is a meaning that each individual can create for themselves. While meaning of life may be debatable, there is no doubt that we can all have meaning in life. However, as we create that meaning ourselves, very different things can be meaningful for different people (while the former would be the same for everybody). We will focus here only on meaning in life (the meaning of life is discussed in The Synthesis book)(1).

Why a sense of meaning matters

A number of psychologists assert that we require meaning to survive.(2) The most frequent reason given for suicide is that the person has no purpose for which to continue living.(3) A sense of meaning can help us cope with difficulties (as the above quote sums up well); research shows that people who report a stronger sense of the purpose of their lives remain healthier in the face of stress.(4) Moreover, a feeling that one’s life has some meaning is also correlated with happiness.(5)

Choice Group

Choice Group PDF This group is the first group in the Doing category as it is a precursor to our actions. It consists of the following areas: Meaning is the root area of the group. This is based on an assertion that we choose something because it makes sense to us. To...

Context Group

Context Group PDF One of the universal characteristics of human life is that it is always situated in a particular context. The basic context within which we operate in the world is time-space. This group consists of the areas that reflect the components of this...

Engagement Group

Engagement Group PDF This group consists of four areas that relate to our engagement with life. They are: Aliveness: what makes us feel alive is our experience. The better the quality of experience, the more alive we feel – which is why it is the main focus of this...


PWBC (Personal Well Being Centre)
United Kingdom


PWBC (Personal Well Being Centre)
United Kingdom